EVERYONE was a cash buyer when I was an Estate Agent (as soon as they sold their own property first!)
The age old problem of trying to ascertain who can proceed, and who just cannot. As an Estate Agent where should you focus your efforts, and how can you really be sure? Whilst there is a lot of talk about reservation agreements, and how they could help revolutionise the business, there will always be caveats and you will never be completely certain.
We have some nifty bits of technology from one of our Partners 'Armalytix' that gives you some certainty.
Buyer says.....'Cash buyer? Chain free?' Are you sure?
Ask them to obtain a Proof of funds report
Buyer says.....'Cash Buyer' (actually with a mortgage)
Ask them to obtain a Proof of funds report
Buyer says.....'Chain free' (only when their house sells)
Ask them to obtain a Proof of funds report and buy their Searches immediately
Buyer says.....'Mortgage agreed' (but no decision in principle) –
Don’t take anyone out viewing unless they have proof.
Simple steps to help you work smarter.
