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Groundsure Cheshire Salt Search <0.03 ha - Residential


Groundsure are the sole provider of the Cheshire Salt Search report in partnership with the Cheshire Brine Subsidence Compensation Board.


The Cheshire Salt Search meets the requirements of professionals involved in property transactions and development within the Cheshire Brine Compensation District.


Much of Cheshire is at increased risk of subsidence due to the presence of brine and previous mining practices, and the extent of this risk is not always identifiable by proximity to mines. In addition, previous compensation payouts mean that some properties are not eligible for compensation in the event of damage caused.


The report provides information on how these matters affect a given property in Cheshire. It is necessary to obtain it before purchasing a property or conducting development work in the county.

Individual CON29M and Cheshire Salt Search reports are rarely required for the same property. The Cheshire Brine Compensation District and coalfield areas are distinctly separate, apart from a very small overlap area.


Customers purchasing a Cheshire Salt Search report in the Cheshire Brine Compensation District will not need to purchase a CON29M report unless they are located in this salt/coal overlap area. The overlap area is approximately 18.2km² and only holds approximately 259 postcodes, meaning that the number of potential transactions in this region is extremely small.


Key Features:

  • Identifies if the property falls within the Compensation District, and hence in an area considered at increased risk of subsidence but potentially eligible for compensation
  • Considers if the property would be eligible for compensation under the 1952 and 1964 Acts if it is affected by brine pumping related subsidence in the future
  • Explains whether a property is situated in a Consultation Area, meaning it could be difficult to gain planning permission for development, or structural precautions may need to be taken
  • Informs whether a Notice of Damage has been filed and accepted for the property, meaning it is already deemed to have been damaged by ground instability caused by brine pumping
  • Checks if the property has been subject at any time to a “commutation payment”, meaning it would be eligible for no further compensation in the event of damage. However, if the commuted building has since been demolished and replaced with further building, that building may be potentially eligible for compensation.
  • Clarifies whether a property is in an area underlain by a historical salt mine, meaning it is in an area susceptible to subsidence.
  • Informs whether the property is within an area designated to be within the GS7 Planning Policy Boundary. The GS7 planning policy ensures that no development takes place within the area covered by the policy until such time that the site is rendered fit for development and mitigated against the serious subsidence risk potentially associated with abandoned rock salt mines in Northwich.
  • Checks whether the property is within 20m of a known historical well or shaft.
  • Informs whether the property is within 200m of a planning consent of a brine extraction by controlled pumping. Subsidence from controlled pumping is of very low magnitudes.
  • Clarifies whether a property is in an area underlain by an active salt mine. The active mine workings are indicated to be stable following a large amount of research, testing and monitoring being carried out at the mine
  • Informs whether recorded subsidence features are within 50m of the property, meaning it is in an area susceptible to subsidence.


Key Benefits


  • Site boundary on MasterMap – enables clear identification of boundary for title
  • Intuitive layout and page flow
  • The sole report produced in conjunction with the Cheshire Brine Subsidence Compensation Board
  • Clarity, reliability and accuracy


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Groundsure Cheshire Salt Search <0.03 ha - Residential


PLEASE ensure that when placing an order, you have provided us with accurate information about the property. Once a report has been ordered it cannot be amended and cannot be refunded. Orders will be processed soon after payment is received. IF you have made an error, contact us with updated information prior to completing your checkout to avoid us processing orders that may contain errors.

For your peace of mind our pack products provide industry expected levels of insurance and are compliant with all regulating bodies and codes of conduct.:

Our Local Authority Search is protected by Professional Indemnity Insurance arranged by Travelers Insurance Co Ltd, the limit of which is £10,000,000. This indemnity also provides cover for errors and omissions in local authority and water company data/records which are used to compile our search reports. The search further benefits from 6 years run-off cover.

Our Drainage & Water Reports come with a £2 Million indemnity insurance from 'stewart title'

The Airchecker Report comes with a PI cover of £2million

The Ground Report comes with £1 million of indemnity cover in the aggregate in respect of any one Property.

The Homecheck Pro Report is backed by £10 million professional indemnity insurance.

The Groundsure Homebuyers Environmental report comes with Reliance: £10m Professional Indemnity Insurance. Can be relied upon by all professional parties within a property transaction, first purchasers/tenants and their advisers. Please refer to Groundsure terms & conditions.

The Envirosearch Residential Report comes with: a Radon screen- Insurability statement,  PI cover of £10million, Free ‘Further Action’ risk re-review service and £150,000 Contaminated Land excess free remediation contribution

The Homecheck Flood Report comes with a Consultant assessment on high risk sites, Clear next steps, £10m PI cover of £10million, Insurability statement, is Law Society compliant, FloodRe eligibility indicator

Our No Search Chancel Repair Insurance Policy provides up to £500,000 of Indemnity Insurance per property.

Argyll Energy & Infrastructure report comes with a Professional Indemnity Cover of £10million (terms apply)

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