What are Local Authority Searches and what will it tell me about my property purchase?
What is a Local Authority Search, why do you need one and why you should get one from Property Searches Direct.
Welcome to our quick look at what a Local Authority Search is and why you need one for your property purchase. Essentially a Local Authority Search is a vital part of the conveyancing (Home Buying) process and is one of the three required documents alongside the environmental report and the Drainage & Water report.
They can reveal information that may lead you to renegotiate your offer or even withdraw altogether. They are always required when buying a property with a mortgage.
A local authority Search comes in two parts, an LLC1 and a CON29.
The LLC1 is the Local Land Charges Register search, which covers any planning agreements, enforcement notices, listed buildings information, light obstruction notices, aviation, financial charges or restrictions associated with the land or property itself. All of these and more entries place a restriction on the property that the owner is liable for, which could impact them financially or in the way that they can enjoy the property.
They can include things like, Is the property listed, Is it located in a Smoke Controlled area, Is it in a conservation area, Or would you require a Renovation Grant? It also looks at planning agreements and any conditional planning permissions.
All of the LLC1 findings are legally binding on each successive owner, so you will inherit any issues that arise, which is why you need to be confident that you are happy with the findings.
The CON29 provides information relating to Public Highways, and any proposed rail routes, planning decisions or new roads that could affect the property, as well as any breaches of planning permissions or building regulations, outstanding statutory notices or the existence of a compulsory purchase order.
The CON29 requirements have had several revisions but the standard enquiries cover Planning history, Building control regulation, Highways information (including road scheme proposals), Proposed tree preservation orders, Proposed planning enforcement or breach of condition notices, Community Infrastructure Levy (CIL), Assets of community value, Rail schemes and proposals, Public footpaths shown on definitive maps and are answered using a standard set of 29 questions; which
is why this section is called the CON29
Our regulated Local Authority Search, ie, those that are completed by a team of dedicated search agents (rather than staff at the council) are presented in a really user-friendly format.
They are designed to ensure that the reader can get to the information that they want to see as quickly as possible.
The front page, as shown here, is an overview, giving a high level indication of the reports findings.
The second page is the contents page.
You will see that it is colour co-ordinated so that the sections within the report can be easily identified.
So if you wish to find out about contaminated land findings, you would head for the red section and Planning & Building Regs would be found in the blue section.
After the contents page, each section will be presented in colour order, starting with the Search of the Land Charges Register, before moving on to the remaining sections.
If at any time, once you have received your local authority search, you have any questions, the team at Property Searches Direct are available to help you. Chances are, we are going to be a lot easier to get hold of than your busy conveyancer.
But to be fair, your conveyancer is best left alone to get on with their work, rather than being interrupted as they get hundreds of calls every day from clients, advisors and estate agents, it's any wonder they manage to get any work done during a working day.
The next section is a Search information sheet.
This page provides you with any useful contact numbers for commercial entities that have featured in the report that you may wish to make contact with if you have any further enquiries.
Our Regulated Local Authority Search is appropriate for all Residential or Commercial Property Transactions.
Before placing an order, it is always well worth having a look at our Lender Checker. This will help to confirm that your lender is happy to accept a Regulated Search (as most are these days). If they are listed and say no, you will need to get in touch via web chat, email or phone and ask us for a quote, as Official Searches (those completed by council staff) vary in price across each local authority area.
So that's a Local Authority Search.
If you have any questions about this or any of the other reports that we make available, please get in touch.
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